The Relationships of Business
Hello Huntington Billboard Family,
Sending out a little PSA to companies everywhere. Selling advertising space and building new billboards is our business and I love the industry, but remembering the impact we make on the next generation is equally important. Participating in career days, high school marketing workshops, and letting interns work on real-life problems are the kind of everyday choices each company can make for the next generation.
Ways to get involved:
Internships: Letting students intern is a great way to develop future leaders for your community and even potentially your own company. You are also developing future leaders for your company!
Business school programs: Contact your local schools and see if there are any programs they would like you to participate in or assist with your industry knowledge. Business classes are created to be very hands-on, the teachers will be delighted to have someone with real-world knowledge teaching their students.
Marketing competition judge: Competitions like this are a google search away. See how you can help the community! Contact your local university and community colleges to get involved.
Throughout the years, it has been a joy to watch our different interns move into their professional careers.
“I’m glad I was able to start my career with Huntington. For 8 months, I had the hands-on experience of interacting with clients and creating marketing plans to fit their needs. Working to provide all our clients with creative designs and a customized marketing plan. Being a part of a team where everyone’s input was valued and real changes happened taught me a lot.” – CJ Tassell, 2018 intern.
Picture of some Huntington interns throughout the years.