Let’s Talk Advertising and Growth
Let’s Talk Advertising and Growth
Huntington Outdoor is a growing outdoor signage company in southwest Ohio and east-central Indiana. With a growing network of signs in varying sizes across the region, we have an advertising option available for you! Summer is winding down and as we look back over this summer we want to share some of the highlights we had here at Huntington.
• We built new billboard locations in Dayton, Johnstown, Jacksontown, Sandusky, and lots of other locations. You can check them out at Huntingtonoutdoor.com/locations
• We now have drive by videos of every billboard on our website. This will save you time and allow you to see billboards all over Ohio without leaving the comfort of your office.
• We’re now on Instagram! Follow us @huntingtonOD.
This summer has been a whirlwind here at Huntington, but we are glad you chose to partner with Huntington. As we transition into the fall season, we will be building more billboards, and passing out apples to our current clients to hear your needs! Summer is over, but we have exciting times just around the corner here at Huntington Outdoor.